ראשי » Living conditions in the program
Living conditions
in the program
Each group consists of 40–80 male and female participants (depending on the group), who live together as a community in full boarding conditions – shared living quarters, dining room and learning area. The participants, with the help of the program’s staff, are responsible for the ongoing upkeep of the various facilities.

The participants live in rooms of 4–8. The bedrooms, showers and toilets are separate for males and females. The shared areas, including the participants’ office, where computers, an internet connection and office facilities are available for carrying out personal tasks and the projects that they take upon themselves throughout the year.
Study Area:
“The Plenum”
Most of the lessons and activities take place in the plenum, a shared study area, which includes a well-stocked library. The plenum offers the participants and the regular and guest lecturers all necessary means for carrying out experiential educational activities. The participants, together with the staff, create an atmosphere of mutual respect, curiosity and joy in learning.

and Dining Room
Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served in the communal dining room. In addition, sandwiches and fruit are available during the day and between meals. Nachshon participants can influence the daily menu, while considering nutritional values among other things. During meals, the participants often continue the discussion from the previous lesson, bringing to the table the subjects learned, while talking and exchanging opinions.